“Make the road straight and smooth, a highway fit for our God. Fill in the valleys, level off the hills, smooth out the ruts, clear out the rocks. Then God’s bright glory will shine and everyone will see it” (Isaiah 40:4 MSG).
Pavel* is one of more than 1,200 inmates who hear the Gospel inside prison walls in Poland. Johann has led this ministry faithfully for more than 18 years. The prison authorities allow Johann to continue because they are seeing transformation in the lives of many inmates. Pavel is one of those who met Jesus in prison.
Pavel had an uneventful childhood. He went to...
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).
As followers of Jesus, prayer is our responsibility and privilege. This year, we are inviting you to join us for two months of daily prayer on behalf of our worldwide ministry partners. For the past several years, we have asked you to join us in prayer every day during the month of March, but year after year, we receive a high number of requests. This year, we are extending into the month of April. Below, you will find a prayer calendar for the months of March and April 2025, with a specific prayer request for...
Hope is a precious commodity for today’s world. If we look hard enough, we can find hopelessness in every sector. We can find hopeless people all around us. And we can also find the hope of Jesus Christ in the hearts and lives of believers.
As our ministry partners continue to share the Good News about Jesus worldwide, they are witnesses to the hope found in Jesus. In the Spring 2025 edition of the Within Reach Praise Report, you will find hope in every testimony shared. • Fedir* found hope in the midst of war during a summer Bible camp in Ukraine. He still recalls the lessons about Jesus...
Born into a family in Ukraine where God was not discussed, Olga grew up without hope and faith. During the days of Communist control in her country, her grandfather was imprisoned for 10 years because of his faith in God.
“The communists did everything they could to ensure that children from a pastor's family stayed far away from God,” Olga says. “My parents were raised without God, so they had nothing to pass on to their children. I know my grandfather prayed for his family while he was in prison, and God heard those prayers.”
When Russian began the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in...