Board Members

Janver Holly wholeheartedly committed his life to Jesus at age 17.  He has been a builder, compulsive company starter, and developer since age 17, with a stint as a youth pastor in the middle.  Along the way he completed a degree in Bible as well as seminary degrees in theology and divinity; and has pastored different churches on an interim basis.  He has compassion for those not yet knowing Jesus, which has led to lifelong efforts to serve people through meeting both physical and spiritual needs.  He currently heads up Life-Rock, a Jesus centered non-profit organization of Sober living homes. He also is an elder at his church focusing on prayer ministries, discipleship and outreach to men not yet in the kingdom of God. 

Janver brings more than 20 years of board leadership experience, along with development and organizational structure skills.  He considers himself a deeply flawed individual, saved by God’s grace, who daily enjoys undeserved intimacy, love and joy with our Father and others.

Lisa Garvin, a board member for Reach A Village, has a wealth of experience in relating with underserved and disadvantaged people. Since earning her Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) degrees from Olivet Nazarene University (ONU), she has provided services in the fields of mental health, education and long-term care. For the past 25 years, she has worked with high school students in special education.

Currently, Lisa serves as president of ONU’s alumni board. At her church, she is actively involved in women’s ministry, serves on the teaching team for their women’s community Bible study and leads a small group. For eight years, she was a member of her community’s school board.

Born and raised in Michigan, Lisa relocated to Illinois after college graduation. She married her college sweetheart, Bart, in 1992. They are the parents of four children.

Felipe Hernandez, a board member for Reach A Village, graduated from Northern Illinois University with his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. After nearly five years in the engineering field, analyzing and solving complex technology problems, Felipe changed career directions. In 2003, he entered the legal field, working as a patent engineer at a private law firm, and soon after enrolled in law school.

Felipe earned his Juris Doctor degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law in 2008 and is a licensed Illinois attorney and registered U.S. patent attorney. He analyzes innovations, advocates for clients to secure patent rights, and counsels clients on strategies for building strong patent portfolios in the U.S. and around the world.

“Over the years in the engineering and legal fields, I have enjoyed applying analytical and problem-solving skills to meet the needs of corporations and individuals. It is a privilege bringing those skills to the work Reach A Village undertakes in reaching people for Christ,” Felipe notes. Additionally, he is a board member at his church and volunteers as an attorney for Administer Justice, a Christian legal clinic that offers legal services to low-income individuals and families.

Rev. Bob Beasley

Bob Beasley, a board member for Reach A Village, has a wealth of experience in Christian ministry. He has served as an officer in The Salvation Army; a successful church planter in Florida; a successful pastor in Chatham, Ontario, Canada; head of a Christian broadcasting ministry in Canada; and currently serves as the liaison to ministry organizations in Canada that share Reach A Village's mission and passion.

Bob is a gifted speaker and Bible teacher with great experience in organizational leadership and serving as a board member. His passion and vision for the Kingdom of God and his ability to work cross-culturally make him uniquely qualified to serve with Reach A Village.

Lynn Griffin, a board member for Reach A Village, grew up in a Christian home and gave his life to Christ at age 11. Having a heart for missions and an interest in printing, Lynn graduated with degrees in Missions and Printing from Pensacola Christian College. After marrying his college sweetheart, Heidi, he returned to his home area in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. After several years of working at print companies and as a print sales representative, he started his own printing and marketing company, which he has run successfully since 2010.

Lynn has a deep passion to help people meet Jesus Christ. At his local church, he helps lead a Bible study. With over 20 years in the graphics industry, he has used his experience and expertise to provide print materials for several mission groups, missionaries and churches.

Missions has always held a special place in his heart, so he contacted Reach A Village regarding how he could help with printing needs. Today, Lynn is excited to serve as a board member. He says, "I am totally amazed at the great Kingdom work that is being accomplished through the Holy Spirit and the ministry that is taking place around the world!"


Wayne Evans, a board member for Reach A Village, was brought up in a non-Christian home, but his father taught him the value of hard work. He founded a company in his parents’ garage as a teenager and eventually grew it into a Silicon Valley business, providing hundreds of commercial clients with electronic automatic fire alarm systems. Despite his success, Wayne always felt there was something missing.

Then, Wayne provided funding to drill a water well in Africa, and the Christian organization invited him on a trip to Nairobi, Kenya. He accepted Christ during the trip. After he returned, he dedicated the business to the Lord and to supporting ministries serving the poor and the lost. Over the years, he has visited ministry locations in 12 different countries.

“The Lord was calling me to focus more on heaven. No matter what we do in the here and now, if people don’t end up in heaven, it’s really all for naught. It’s obvious to me that Reach A Village is focused on heaven and effective evangelism,” Wayne remarks. “Financial integrity is also extremely important to me, and Reach A Village is committed to financial accountability as one of its core values.”