As a newer member of the Reach A Village team, I was delighted to have the opportunity to take part in a team trip to Thailand. For almost a year, I had read reports and seen photos of the ministry taking place there, but now I would get to see and experience it in person! I traveled with my team to the Phetchabun province in the north-central part of the country. There we met up with our national ministry partners to learn more about their efforts to share Jesus in unreached villages.
The Christian movement taking place in Thailand is...
Our monthly Village Impact Partners are an incredibly important group of people who believe in taking the Gospel to the unreached people of the world. Today, we are asking you to join this special group and become a monthly donor. You will help impact people like Hovik (left).
Hovik is from the small country of Armenia. Because of Reach A Village’s consistent ministry in his village, he found the security he needed.
When he was 21 years old, Hovik left the safety of his home an joined the Armenian army. He knew about Jesus, but he rejected the truth of God’s Word. “My mother and siblings...
Some of the most courageous believers we know want you to know they are seeing evidence of God’s promise to be with us.
Pastor Keo* boldly shares the Gospel wherever he goes in Laos. When he confronted Thao’s animistic religious beliefs, Thao saw clearly the truth of God’s Word.
Arev lost her closest friend during the recent war in Armenia. She was ready to end her life. Then, her sister disobeyed their atheist father and shared the Gospel with her.
Anita goes where many do not want to go in North Macedonia. Following God’s leading, she is now shining the light of Jesus into the lives of...
Addiction and abuse brought tragedy after tragedy into Jelena’s life. Many times, she didn’t know where her help would come from.
As a child, Jelena in Serbia had no one to help her. Her father was addicted to alcohol and abused his wife and children. Her mother was overwhelmed by his behavior. She often had no money to care for her children. Eventually, circumstances forced her to take Jelena and her siblings to an orphanage.
Growing up without her parents was difficult for Jelena. She had nothing to believe in, and her sense of self-worth disappeared. As an adult, she was beset by...