When Zaklina of North Macedonia was in preschool, her mother heard the Good News and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. She remembers other believers encouraging her mother to join a Bible study group. One of the greatest blessings for Zaklina was going with her mother and being part of a children’s Bible study group.
“I was attracted to the people in the stories our teacher shared from the Bible,” Zaklina recalls. “I wondered why God gave them new chances when they made mistakes. Through these stories, I learned that God is merciful and kind. Not just to the people in the Bible stories, but...
Glory to God! More children are being reached with the Gospel.
Because of your generosity, we were able to fund summer camps in Mongolia for the first time ever! Our ministry partners there prepared this wonderful video. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!
"When you realize from childhood that no one needs you in this life, it leaves a deep mark on you for the rest of your life." That was Svetlana's description of Sergei, the teenager she and her husband adopted. Because of partners like you, this young orphaned boy first heard about Jesus through Reach A Village’s ministry partners in Ukraine.
During Bible studies led by local believers, Svetlana realized the truth of James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …” She and her husband realized that even...
Everyone is either going into one of life’s trials, going through one of life’s trials, or coming out of one of life’s trials. You’re probably in one of those places at this moment. We at Reach A Village have seen life’s trials draw people to the Lord. You may have experienced or seen this, too.
Karen was a soldier in the Armenian army and is now a soldier in God’s army. He is introducing children and families in his neighborhood to Jesus and God's Word. Dimo was facing a kidney transplant in Bulgaria. Then, he met Jesus and experienced healing for his body, mind, and...