

Stories of Transformation through Christ!

More than one million villages still have not heard the Gospel. You can help us reach as many as possible. People, just like these, are waiting to be transformed by Christ.

Every village that is reached results in amazing stories of transformation through the power of Jesus Christ. These are real stories of real people.  


Life in a village in Ukraine has always been difficult. Vera knows this firsthand. She was born and raised in a village in the Kyiv region. She studied in another town, returned home, married, and had children, just like everyone else. But there were always questions in her soul - who created nature and animals so beautifully? Who arranged everything in the world to function and complement each other?

When Covid-19 hit, life in Zgurovka village changed. The village died out - people sat at home and did not communicate with anyone or go anywhere. Tragically, Vera's husband died of Covid. She...

“Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation” (Joel 1:3).

Children are having a greater and greater impact in sharing the Gospel in the villages of our world. Maybe they are more receptive to the simplicity of the Gospel message. Maybe they have more enthusiasm when they find out about the difference Jesus makes in their lives. Maybe they refuse to be shy about sharing the most important message they will ever share. Or maybe they are experiencing all that and more through the work of the Holy Spirit.

At Reach A...

Bernila*, a high school student, grew up in a very religious family. “My family never misses Sunday services, and my grandparents and parents are leaders in our church,” she says. “Christmas has always been an exciting time for us, as it gives us more time to spend together and join the Misa de Gallo (night mass) which runs from December 16 to 24.” She recalls the gifts she received from family members and relatives. Her childhood memories of Christmas celebrations are very good.  

But Christmas 2023 was Bernila’s best Christmas ever because she received a gift that will last for all...

Dida and Margarita (pictured) arrived in a village in Bulgaria to attend a meeting. They were looking for a place to eat lunch, but didn’t find a single open restaurant in the village.

Margarita asked a boy on the street if he knew where they could find something to eat, and he invited them to his aunt's house. His aunt, Angelina, quickly prepared a meal for them. As they talked together, Dida and Margarita told her about Jesus.

Angelina, a Muslim, showed great interest in the Gospel. She invited Dida and Margarita to visit her again that evening and tell her more about God. When they...