

Stories of Transformation through Christ!

More than one million villages still have not heard the Gospel. You can help us reach as many as possible. People, just like these, are waiting to be transformed by Christ.

Every village that is reached results in amazing stories of transformation through the power of Jesus Christ. These are real stories of real people.  


Dragan and Biljana are two followers of Jesus who are passionate about sharing the Gospel in their own country. They live and work in North Macedonia — a small, landlocked country about the size of the U.S. state of Vermont. Their country is bordered by Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo and Serbia.

In their desire to tell others about Jesus, they completed training offered by Reach A Village’s ministry leaders in North Macedonia. For the past several years, they have focused on growing a group of local believers in the town of Resen, as well as on traveling to nearby villages and sharing the...

Donika understands salvation in ways most of us will never experience. Growing up as an Egyptian in Albania, she was part of a very small minority group. Her family came from a Muslim tradition but were no longer following any religion.

Her family never talked about or believed in God because the communist dictatorship in their country at that time didn’t allow people to practice religion. “My parents were afraid to talk about God,” she says. “My mother told me: ‘There is no God.’”

When Donika was a child, she was involved in a life-threatening accident. “Our home caught fire while I was...

Exciting reports continue to come in from Thailand about the continuing growth of the Church there: new believers, new Bible study groups started, new churches, thousands of baptisms! Reach A Village is partnering with The Association of Free Churches of Thailand (AFT) and the Free in Jesus Christ Church Association (FJCCA) to share the Gospel. Seeds planted in the first three provinces reached are continuing to bear fruit. Great progress is being made toward the goal of reaching every village in Thailand with the Good News about Jesus.

In Khon Kean, the easternmost province currently being...

Remember in the New Testament when God spoke to both Paul and Ananias about their pre-ordained meeting? God still speaks to His children today. A Turkish man living in Bulgaria had once been a great minister of the Gospel and a pastor. He was attacked spiritually and deeply hurt, causing him to leave his faith and the church. Twenty-two years later, God spoke to him, saying He was sending someone to come to his house. Just days later, a Reach A Village ministry partner, Brother Stoyan, knocked on his door. Stoyan asked, “Do you know why the Lord has sent me to you? Who are you?” The Turkish...