

Stories of Transformation through Christ!

More than one million villages still have not heard the Gospel. You can help us reach as many as possible. People, just like these, are waiting to be transformed by Christ.

Every village that is reached results in amazing stories of transformation through the power of Jesus Christ. These are real stories of real people.  


“We speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen …” (John 3:11).

Our ministry partners witness the power of the Spirit every day as they share the Gospel in countries many of us will never visit. They have seen the evidence in many changed lives.

In Metin’s (left) life. His heart was hardened to the Gospel of Jesus because of his growing up in a Muslim home in Bulgaria. Then, he met Jesus.

In Erica’s life. When she was a child, her parents prevented her from learning more about Jesus. Now, she teaches children about Jesus in the Philippines.

In Rosa’s life. She and her...

Anuson* was living in darkness as he tried to make sense of his life in Laos. He worshipped plants, animals and objects, believing that they had spiritual powers. His children were disobedient and refused to help in their home. They missed school often and began to spend more time with their friends.

Then, Anuson became ill and didn’t know where to turn. “I had no hope for my life,” he says. “I didn’t know there was a real God.”

Anuson also didn’t know that his son had been learning about Jesus from a friend. “I saw my son carrying a Bible and a booklet,” he says. “I didn’t like it, and I...

When believers gather together for worship, prayer, and Bible study, God is in their midst. Pastor Boris believes that, and so does Pepa.

Believers in Pepa’s village in Bulgaria had allowed themselves to scatter and forget about their faith. When Pastor Boris found a building in the center of their village where they could meet, he invited them to come back to one another and to the Lord.

“I was so happy to find this group of believers,” Pepa says. “I found God’s love again because of them.”

For five years, Pepa had suffered with cancer. She had also undergone several chemotherapy...

Meet three people whose lives are now on a different course because of the faithfulness of Reach A Village’s ministry partners.

- A young woman in Belarus is now a follower of Jesus because Yaroslav answered God's call to come to her village and share the Gospel.

- A young man in Ukraine is now a follower of Jesus because Kirill shared the Gospel with him as they rode the train together.

- A wife and mother in Cambodia is now a follower of Jesus because Piseth knocked on her door and told her she could find hope in God’s Word.

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