We have our fingers on the pulse of modern missions. Mission work is changing rapidly as the world's cultures and global conditions are changing. Ease of travel and communication impact how the Gospel is spread. But at the heart of missions, there is the work of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the obedience of the Church to carry out Jesus' command to go into all the earth.
We want to present challenging biblical truths, insights into today's missions environment, and progress reports on reaching the entire world with the Gospel. Please keep checking our blog regularly for updates, stories and challenging thoughts from Scripture!
Since February 1, 2021, Myanmar — also known as Burma — has faced tragedies that most of us will never experience. The military junta assumed full control of the country. A shadow unity government formed in exile, and they encouraged citizens in every village to rise up with arms against the military. This action enraged the military. Bombings and bloodshed took place throughout the country.
Myanmar escaped the first waves of COVID-19, but people were caught off guard by more transmissible variants. The military hoarded vaccines and PPE. The remaining few hospitals had limited supplies and...
"We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ." -2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Outnumbered and outgunned, the whole world has been shocked by the recent success of the Ukrainians against invading Russian troops. No one doubts the tenacity and courage of the Ukrainians. From the president down to the common citizens, the resistance and resilience of the Ukrainians has been played...
Perhaps one of the best known scriptures about vision is found in Acts 16. Paul the apostle had a vision of a person from Macedonia calling for him to come and help them. That vision opened up a way for the rest of the known world in that day to hear the Gospel.
My personal vision for sharing the Gospel with other cultures and countries came first when God gave me a burden for the people of Southeast Asia. They were embroiled in a war, which was very much in the minds and headlines of my generation. In 1972, there were very few believers in that area of the world — especially in comparison...