The Miraculous Movement in Thailand Continues!

Exciting reports continue to come in from Thailand about the continuing growth of the Church there: new believers, new Bible study groups started, new churches, thousands of baptisms! Reach A Village is partnering with The Association of Free Churches of Thailand (AFT) and the Free in Jesus Christ Church Association (FJCCA) to share the Gospel. Seeds planted in the first three provinces reached are continuing to bear fruit. Great progress is being made toward the goal of reaching every village in Thailand with the Good News about Jesus.

In Khon Kean, the easternmost province currently being reached, there were 1,495 baptisms on May 24, 2024. On May 31, in Phetchabun province, 2,527 people were baptized. On August 30, Ellis Craft of Reach A Village, the director of ministry for Cambodia, and a donor witnessed 2,477 baptisms. Ministry leaders were able to provide 500 Thai Bibles for those baptized, and 1,000 Bibles went to where they were most needed.

“We have baptized more than 10,000 new believers this year,” said one of the ministry leaders. “We are excited to announce that we now have the funding we need to enter a new province. Church planting teams will be starting work there soon. This is near the province where Bob Craft, founder and president of Reach A Village, began his missionary journey in 1979.”

“The Holy Spirit is reaching the heart of Thailand,” he added. “This is the result of many prayers, hard work of the local believers, and sacrificial giving by many.”

On the map, all of the purple pins represent churches that were established through the ministry of our Thai partners, through the power of the Holy Spirit!

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