Miracles in Surrendered Lives

    Being born into a Christian family isn’t a faith guarantee. Ganka and her brother, Ivan, of Bulgaria, want to tell you what happened to them.


    Ganka and Ivan knew about God from the day they were born. In fact, their grandmother was the first follower of Jesus in their village. As they grew up, they grew away from the Lord. Life difficulties and the cares of this world interfered with their faith until they totally ignored what they had learned as children.

    As Ivan’s life was spiraling downward, he remembered his childhood friend, Petko. They renewed their friendship, and Petko helped Ivan find Jesus again.

    During this time, Ganka married and gave birth to two children. When her husband died, she was left alone to care for their young sons. Live grew even more difficult for them when Ganka became ill. The doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor and a severe liver infection.

    “I had no hope,” Ganka says. “My friends and family tried to find help for my sons and me, but they couldn’t help us. I was sure my life was over.”

    In desperation, Ivan asked his friend, Petko — one of Reach A Village’s ministry partners — to come and visit Ganka in her home. Ganka will never forget that day.

    “Petko shared God’s Word with me,” she recalls. “He anointed me with oil and prayed for me that day. Ivan prayed for me, too.”

    Many other believers joined Petko and Ivan in praying for Ganka every day. “We were praying for a miracle from the Lord,” Petko says. “Humanly speaking, there was no way for Ganka’s condition to improve. We prayed in faith, but we were preparing for the worst.”

    One day, Ganka felt strong enough to join the believers in her village for Bible study, prayer, and worship at Petko’s home. During that meeting, Ganka met Jesus again and surrendered her life to Him. God began miraculous healing in her body from that day forward.

    A few days later, Ganka went to the hospital for her regular check-up. The doctors were amazed to see the improvements in her condition! “After more than 30 years of unbelief, Ivan and I are experiencing God’s great mercies,” Ganka says. “I give God all the praise and glory for the ways He is at work in my life.”