ANNOUNCING: Our 6th Annual Month of Prayer Begins Soon! 🙏

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).

As followers of Jesus, prayer is our responsibility and privilege. This year, we are inviting you to join us for two months of daily prayer on behalf of our worldwide ministry partners.

For the past several years, we have asked you to join us in prayer every day during the month of March, but year after year, we receive a high number of requests. This year, we are extending into the month of April.

Below, you will find a prayer calendar for the months of March and April 2025, with a specific prayer request for each day. You will also see the daily requests shared on the Reach A Village Facebook page each day. We hope you will take time daily to join together with us and our ministry partners around the world. Together, we believe the Lord will continue to do great things!

View the Prayer Calendar

View Additional Prayer Requests

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