EURASIA SPECIAL REPORT: See how God is powerfully moving!

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I am grateful and excited to share this Eurasia Special Ministry Report with you. In late April 2024, I had the privilege of joining Reach A Village’s national leaders at a regional conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. Without a doubt, God is working mightily in this part of the world. As I listened to so many incredible testimonies, I knew God wanted me to share this update with you.

Most of Reach A Village’s ministries in Eurasia were established in the 1990s and up to the year 2000 with the help of Waldemar Kurz, our Eurasia Regional Director who retired in 2022. While I was in Bulgaria, I met Nikolay and Denitza Ivanov (left), a husband and wife ministry team, who oversee ministry and outreach in the region now.

As you review the report, I believe you will be thrilled to see how our ministry partners at working around the region. For example, you will learn about:
     -Outreach in Polish prisons
     -Reaching remote, unreached communities in the Arctic
     -Ministering to nomads in Mongolia
     -How a young man named Islam came to Christ in Albania and more!

Please join us in prayer for Reach A Village’s ministry partners in Eurasia. Our brothers and sisters are incredibly faithful, passionate and committed. I thank God for them as I thank God for you. Together, we are part of a powerful ministry that is impacting lives today, tomorrow and for all eternity. To God be all praise, honor and glory!


erin casual croppedIn His Mighty Name,
Erin Menke-Assam

As Director of Partner Development, Erin Menke-Assam enjoys engaging people in the ministry and helping them to become part of fulfilling the Great Commission. Erin earned a Master’s degree in International Public Service from DePaul University. Her experience in international non-profit organizations includes development, serving as a literacy trainer and helping to implement literacy programs internationally.


View the Eurasia Special Report

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