The World NEEDS the Word! 📖🌏

RAV FallBibleCampaign 2024 webGive now

For most of us, Bibles have been in our lives for many years. So long that we rarely stop and give thanks for the blessing of having it available. Even more, it is in our heart language and available any time we want to read and study God’s truth.

Consider the people who have no Bible. Or who are sharing one Bible with many others. Or who had a Bible that was destroyed or confiscated.

Imagine looking a person in the eyes and telling that person you have no Bible to give them. That’s the reality many of Reach A Village’s ministry leaders must face each day. They are faithfully leading Bible studies and sharing God’s Word, even though they lack many of the resources they need to encourage new believers.

What if you could help ensure that Bibles reach those who need it most?

Now is your opportunity to help. Your gift to Reach A Village today will help provide God’s Word in heart languages for new believers worldwide. 

As you pick up your Bible today, think about those believers in our world who aren’t able to do that yet. Make your gift now, one-time or ongoing, to Reach A Village specifically for Bibles. Then thank God for the gift of His Word to everyone who believes.

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